Yes, tubal ligation is an excellent option, though several doctors who have chimed in on the Twitter thread mentioned vasectomy is easier and safer (and doesn’t require general anesthesia). Even WebMD says on the tubal ligation page: Ask your partner to get a vasectomy. “It’s a safer procedure with a lower failure rate,” Cullins says, “and it gives the man a chance to take responsibility for preventing pregnancy.” Additionally, not all types of tubal ligation are reversible.
As far as me minimizing the effort to use condoms, I certainly wasn’t trying to. I got plenty of feedback from men before I ever wrote the post, and since I shared it, I’ve heard from a whole lot of men who have said that there are new and better condoms these days, and that they rate their pleasure at 9.5 or above when using the condoms.
You may also be interested to learn that when I originally shared these thoughts on Twitter, many helpful men offered tips to those who struggle with condoms. The two most frequent tips I saw were to try different condoms until you find the right fit and feel, and if needed, to add a little lube to the condom before you put it on. I hope that helps.
Mastering condom use seems like such an important life skill. Condoms are affordable, available 24 hours a day, don’t require a prescription or doctor visit, and work instantly. Plus, they protect from STDs. So awesome!