Yeah. Life for men is _rough_. Did you see how many Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) happened in the NFL each year? 281! And way more in the military each year: 18,000!
Wanna guess how many women have TBIs each year because their violent male partner beat them up?
Yep, 1,600,000 TBIs for women each year from intimate partner violence (IPV). Link below.
Wanna guess how many of those 1,600,000 women experience repetitive (meaning multiple) TBIs from Intimate Partner Violence?
All of them. All 1,600,000.
It’s weird because I swear there are whole movies about TBIs in the NFL, but this article, which came out April 8, 2019 is the first time I’ve _ever_ heard TBIs mentioned in regards to women.
But sure, keep trying to argue that our society never ignores things that are hard for women in order to make life easier for men.
More fun facts while we’re here: Nearly 1 in 3 women age 15 or older will experience physical or sexual IPV. And it occurs in all settings, amongst all socioeconomic, religious and cultural groups.